Arkansas Civil War Soldiers and Sailors
PAGAN, J.G. - Pvt, Co. D, Monroe's Arkansas, CSA; captured 27 Sep
1864 at Pilot Knob, MO; died 18 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL
PAGE, William - Pvt, Co. K, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 28 Jan 1863;
buried at Alton, IL
PAGE, William Dugat - Pvt, Co. B, 7th Ark Inf, CSA; fought at the Battle of
Shiloh and taken prisoner by the Army of the Cumberland at the Battle of Chickamauga after being
wounded by a mini-ball in the chest; he met his wife at the hospital where he was recovering; buried at
LaGrange, Troup Co., GA; Contact: Noel D. Page
PALLMAN, Anthony - Co. I, 3rd Ark Inf, CSA; died 01 Sep 1863 at
Fort Delaware as a Prisoner of War; buried at Finn's Point National Cemetery
PALMER, Green M. - Ord Sgt, Co. G, 9th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 07 Dec 1861
PALMER, J.M. - Pvt, Co. K, 11th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 21 Mar 1862
PARKER, Calihan - Co. I, 3rd Ark Inf, CSA; died 30 Jul 1863 at
Fort Delaware as a Prisoner of War; buried at Philadelphia National Cemetery; previously
interred at Glenwood Pa. Cemetery
PARKER, Green - Pvt, Co. A, Gordon's Ark Cav, CSA; captured 24 Oct 1864
at Mound City, KS; died 04 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of typhoid/malaria
PARKER, Payton Letcher - Pvt, Co. H, 11th Ark Cav, CSA; captured 02 Sep 1864
in Pulaski Co., AR; died 03 Jan 1865 at Alton, IL of anemia; Contact: James Parker
PARKER, Ralph - Co. E, 3rd Ark Cav, USA; born
in Gibson Co., TN; enrolled U.S. Army in Yell Co. on 15 Oct 1863 at 18
years of age. Buried in Union Hill Cemetery in Scott Co., AR
PARKER, Richard F. - Pvt, Co. I, 1st Ark Mtd Rifles, CSA;
enrolled 27 Jul 1861 at Pine Bluff, AR; paroled after 26 Apr 1865 at Greensboro, NC;
disabled by a gunshot wound to right hip; born Jun 1834 in GA; died 02 Dec 1907 in
Sebastian Co., AR; buried at unknown location; Contact: Wesley Parker
PARKER, W.C. - 58th Ark Militia, CSA; died 09 Dec 1918; buried
at Oaklawn Cemetery, Tulsa Co., OK
PARKMAN, D. D. - Pvt, Co. C, 11th Ark Cav, CSA; died
13 Mar 1914 in Lincoln Co., AR; buried at Beauvoir Cemetery, Biloxi MS
PARKS, Edward P. - Civil War Veteran, unknown nationality; buried at Elizabeth Hall
Cemetery, Logan Co., AR
PARKS, John - Sgt, Co. A, 18th (Carroll's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 18 Jun 1862
PARRISH, Oscar Fitzallen - CPT, Co. D, 1st Ark Inf, CSA; died 12 Apr 1902;
buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Lamar Co. TX
PARRISH, Thomas M. Sr. - CSA; died during war, memorial
marker at Raley Cemetery, Boone Co., AR
PARROTT, Rufus Berry - Pvt, 19th Ala Inf, CSA; buried at
Sypes Cemetery, Cleburne Co., AR
PARSLEY, Amsi - Pvt, Co. G, 25th (Turnbull's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 26 May 1862
PARTEE, Daniel Mason - 2LT, 27th Ark Inf (Shaler's), CSA; was
company commander but resigned 07 May 1863 due to physical disability; physician's letter
had remittent fevers leaving body depleted; at time of resignation was suffering pneumonia
and jaundice; Contact: Roger A. Crane
PARTEE, James M. - Pvt, Co. G, ?? Ark Inf, CSA; later joined
Freeman's Ark Mtd Inf, CSA; enlisted at Fort Bragg on 10 Aug 1862; muster roll on 28 Feb
1863 indicated he was sick and absent without leave; later apparently recovered and joined
Freeman's; Contact: Roger A. Crane
PARTEE, Lewis - Pvt, Co. G, 27th Ark Inf, CSA; later served
in Freeman's Ark Cav, CSA; Contact: Roger A. Crane
PARTEE, Richard - Pvt, Co. A, Freeman's Ark Mtd Inf, CSA; Contact:
Roger A. Crane
PARTON, D.L. - Jones' Co., 6th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 24 Nov 1861
PATE, Wiley A. - Pvt, Co. G, 19th (Dockery's) Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted 01
Mar 1862 at Hillsboro, AR; died 09 May 1862 at Memphis, Shelby Co., TN; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN
PATRICK, D. - Thomasson's Co., Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 10 Feb 1862
PATRICK, P. H. - Pvt, Co. C, 8th Ark Inf, CSA; died 01 Nov 1908;
buried at Evergreen Cemetery, Lamar Co., TX
PATTERSON, Charles F. - LTC, 2nd Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 21 May 1862
PATTERSON, D.A. - Co. E, 1st Ark, CSA; buried at Confederate
Cemetery, Chattanooga, TN
PATTERSON, William Franklin - Co. K, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; buried
at Lone Cedar Cemetery, Navarro Co., TX
PATTERSON, John - Co. C, 4th Ark, CSA; buried at Confederate
Cemetery, Chattanooga, TN
PATTON, J.A. - Co. B, 3rd Ark, CSA; buried at Confederate Cemetery,
Chattanooga, TN
PAYNE, Joshua - Pvt, Co. H, Dobbin's Ark, CSA; captured 02 Aug 1862
at Devall's Bluff, AR; died 11 Dec 1863 at Alton, IL
PAYNE, Phillip N. - 4Sgt, Co. F (Monroe Blues), 15th Ark Inf (Josey's), CSA;
born 1822 in Monroe Co., AR; died 27 Dec 1863; buried at Confederate Cemetery, Forsyth, GA
PAYNE, R.C. - 13th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Old Soldiers
Cemetery, Barnesville, Lamar Co., GA
PAYNE, Thomas H. - Co. E, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 10 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PAYNE, Thomas Jefferson (T.J.) - Cpl, Co. E, 5th Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted
in Captain F.S. White's company in Jul 1861 at Gainesville, Greene Co., AR; remained in service
until 06 Jun 1865; after war returned to Clay Co., AR; married Deborah Nettles and had 8 children;
died on 13 Dec 1925; buried at Mitchell Cemetery, Greenway, Clay Co., AR; was the son of Boswell
Blackburn and Nancy Nettles Payne; Contact: Darlene M. Hofer
PEARCE, Andrew J. - Pvt, Co. I, 21st Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 20 May 1862
PEARCE, E.O. - Capt, Co. C, 21st MO Inf, nationality unknown; born Sep 1836; died Aug 1919;
buried at Clifty Cemetery, Carroll Co., AR
PEARCE, W.W. - Sgt, Co. E, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 07 Feb 1863; buried
at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #4793
PEARCEALL, Bennett - Pvt, Co. H, 32nd Ark Inf, CSA; captured 04 Jul
1863 at Helena, AR; died 10 Nov 1863 at at Alton, IL
PEARCY, C.C. - Pvt, Co. K, 18th (Carroll's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 18 Apr 1862
James W. (J.W.) - Pvt, Co. C, 1st Ark Mtd Rifles, CSA; enrolled on 06 Jun 1861 in
Fort Smith, AR by Captain Basham at age 20; left sick at Yazoo City, MS on 16 Jun
1863; was in hospital in LaGrange, GA Jul 1864; paroled 28 Apr 1865 at Greensboro,
NC; parole signed by his mark; widow Cynthia applied for pension in 1925 after his
death on 10 May 1925; winner of Confederate MEDAL OF HONOR during the Battle of
Murfreesboro, TN
PEERSON, Jerry M. - Co A, 14th Ark Inf (Power's), CSA; died 30 Aug 1862;
buried at Enterprise, MS
PEET, J. F. - Sgt, Co. G, 8th Ark Inf, CSA; died 11 Sep 1912 at Warren, AR; buried at Beauvoir
Cemetery, Biloxi, MS
PELTS, Benjamin - Co. A, 2nd Ark Inf, USA; enlisted 02 Sep 1863 at Warren, AR at age 18;
buried at John's Chapel Cemetery, Greene Co., MO
PENIJER, Z.A. - Co. A, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 17 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PENN, Charles H. - 2LT, Co. H, 45th Ark Cav, CSA; born 17 May 1825 in TN;
son of John and Catherine Penn; married 3 times and had children by
his first two wives Malinda A. Clarke and Margaret E. Harris; died 19 Apr 1918; buried in
Lancaster Cemetery, Strawberry, Lawrence Co., AR with his first two wives; ; Contact: Winona Coleman Penn
PENN, John Gordon - Ordnance Sgt, Co. C, 45th Ark Cav, CSA; born 20 Mar 1832 in Bedfor Co., TN;
son of John and Catherine Penn; moved to Lawrence Co. in 1852; brother of Richard Jefferson and Charles H. Penn; maried Mary
"Holly" Fortenberry on 20 Jul 1857 in Lawrence Co.; died 20 Nov 1917; wife died
20 Jan 1920; both buried in Penn Cemetery, Strawberry, Lawrence Co., AR; Contact: Winona Coleman Penn
PENN, Richard Jefferson - Pvt, Co. B, 38th Ark Inf (Shaver's), CSA;
born 26 May 1836 in Perry Co., TN; son of John Penn who was born ca 1789 in NC and died in Lawrence Co.,
AR in 1873; mother was Catherine Penn, born 1795 in TN and died between 1852 and 1860 in Lawrence Co.,
AR; Richard married Martha Ann Smith on 12 Mar 1858 in Lawrence Co., AR; buried at Lancaster Cemetery,
near Strawberry, Lawrence Co., AR; Contact: Winona Coleman Penn
PEPPER, Thomas C. - Pvt, Co. D, Witherspoon's Ark, CSA; captured 24 Oct 1864
at Mound City, KS; died 11 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of variola
PERKINS, D. L. - Co H, 14th TN Cav, CSA; born in 17 Oct 1845;
died 26 Dec 1922; buried at Pine Hill Cemetery, So of Jonesboro, AR
PERKINS, G.W. - Pvt, Co. F, 7th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 13 Nov 1861
PERKINS, T.J. - Co. B, 7th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 11 May 1862
PERMENTER, J.R. - Pvt, Co. H, 19th (Dockery's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 08 May 1862
PERNOD, James - Co. L, 2nd Missouri Cav, USA; buried at Omaha Cemetery,
Boone Co., AR
PERRIN, Samuel M. - Pvt, Crawford's Ark Batt'n, CSA; appears on list of casualties of the
19th and 24th Ark Inf and Crawford's Batt'n at battle of Chickamauga on 19/20 Sep 1863; listed
as being wounded in the head; appears on a list of prisoners paroled at Camp Douglas, IL on 03 Apr 1863;
delivered to City Point, VA for exchange on 10 Apr 1863; Contact: Carol Randall
PERRIN, Zeno T. - Pvt, Co. D, 19th Ark Inf (Dawson's), CSA; appears on roll of sick and
wounded in South Carolina Hospital at Petersburg, VA in May 1863; died in Hospital on
22 May 1863; buried at unknown location; Contact: Carol Randall
PERRY, Clinton Taylor - Co. I, Crandall's Ark Cav, CSA; born 08 Aug 1847;
died 29 Dec 1905; buried at Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Lonoke Co., AR
PERRY, Simeon - Pvt, 11th MO Cav, unknown nationality; born 1828; died 1916; buried at Eureka
Springs Cemetery, Carroll Co., AR
PETERS, J.F. - Co. E, 37th Ark Inf, CSA; captured 04 Jul 1863 at Helena, AR; sent to
Alton, IL on 09 Jul 1863; transferred to Fort Delaware on 29 Feb 1864; died of scurvy 01 May 1864 at Fort Delaware as a Prisoner
of War; buried at Finn's Point National Cemetery
PETERSON, B.F. - Civilian, Citizen of Mississippi Co., AR, CSA; died
24 Sep 1864; buried at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #4603
PETTIS, W.H. - Pvt, Co. F, 35th Ark Inf, CSA; died 24 Nov 1863; buried at
Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #9748
PETTIT, James W. - Pvt, 1st Georgia State Guards, CSA; born 20 Oct 1827
in Rutherford Co., NC; died 03 Sep 1888; buried at Summers Cemetery, Boone Co., AR
PETTUS, Allen T. - Lt. Col., Arkansas State Troops, CSA; assigned to Cabell's Brigade,
Fagan's Cavalry Division, Trans-Mississippi Department; fought at Battle of Marks Mill
on April 25, 1864 near Fordyce, AR where he was wounded and died; Lt. Col. Pettus left
behind his wife Barbara, sisters Mary and Ann, and brothers James and Robert; Lt. Col.
Pettus's parents were Martin Neely Pettus and Sarah Wilkerson Gilliam Pettus who were
most likely from Virginia; Contact: L. Smith
PHATTON, James P. - 11th Ark, CSA; died 08 May 1863; buried at Jefferson
Barracks, MO; grave #10035
PHELPS, Francis A. - Pvt, Co. C, Hawthorn's Ark, CSA; captured 04 Jul
1863 at Helena, AR; died 16 Aug 1863 at Alton, IL of smallpox
PHELPS, William Hector - Pvt, Co.B, 9th Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted Christmas morning 1861; fought at the Hornet's Nest at Shiloh, Corinth, and Coffeeville; captured at Champion's Hill near Jackson, MS in May 1863 and taken as a Prisoner of War and sent to Fort Delaware; buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Star City, AR; Contact:
William C. Phelps
PHIFER, W.T. - Pvt, Anderson's Co., Dobbin's Ark, CSA; captured
06 Nov 1864 at Woodruff Co., AR; died 22 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of bronchitis
PHILIP, W.J. - Co. C, unknown Cav unit, unknown nationality; buried at Clifty Cemetery,
Carroll Co., AR
PHILLIPS, A.W. - Co. B, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 16 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PHILLIPS, Absalom Carroll - 1LT, Co. F, 1st Ark Inf, USA; also Co. E, 2nd Ark Inf, USA;
enlisted 01 Mar 1863 in 1st Ark Inf at Newton Co., AR as a Pvt; promoted to 1st Sgt;
discharged for promotion to 2nd LT on 25 Feb 1864 and assigned to 2nd Ark Inf; promoted
to 1st LT; discharged 08 Aug 1865; married Sarah Elizabeth Davis on 17 Jan 1864; ordained
a Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church on 21 Feb 1866; held many offices in Newton
Co., AR, postmaster, county clerk, sheriff; was a businessman and member of Masonic Order,
Marble City Lodge #442; had nine children; died 01 Mar 1918; buried at Jasper Cemetery,
Jasper, Newton Co., AR; Contact: Charlene Holland
PHILLIPS, Daniel Russell - Co. I, 2nd Ark Cav, USA; enlisted 18 Apr 1863 under John E.
Phelps; married 20 Feb 1864 to Clarissa Brasel; discharged at LaGrange, Fayette Co., TN
in 1865; successful businessman after the war at Jasper, AR; died 19 Jan 1941; Contact:
Charlene Holland
PHILLIPS, David P. - Sgt, Co. D, 3rd Ark Inf, CSA; born in TN; overseer;
enlisted Selma, Arkansas on 20 Jun 1861; died 27 Feb 1862 while on furlough; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 01 Mar 1862
PHILLIPS, Fielding T. - Co. E, 1st Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Confederate Cemetery, University of Mississippi, Oxford, MS
PHILLIPS, G.W. - Co. D, 13th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 27 Nov 1861
PHILLIPS, G.W. - Pvt, Co. C, 26th Ark Inf, CSA; died around 31 Oct 1862;
buried in unknown's grave at Camp Nelson, Confederate Cemetery, Austin, AR
PHILLIPS, J.C. - Co. F, 46th Missouri Inf, USA; buried at Newton Cemetery,
Boone Co., AR
PHILLIPS, J.E. - Pvt, Co. E, 37th Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted 08 May 1862 at
Princeton, AR at age 25; died 08 Jul 1862 in hospital at Little Rock, Pulaski Co., AR; claim
filed on 29 Aug 1864 by father Butler C. Phillips
PHILLIPS, J.N. - Co. A, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 11 May 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PHILLIPS, James P. - 2LT, Co. M, 2nd Ark Cav, USA; born 23 Mar 1842;
died 15 Mar 1916; buried at Golden City Cemetery, Golden City, MO
PHILLIPS, John - Pvt, 3rd Ark, CSA; died 19 Feb 1864; buried at Jefferson
Barracks, MO; grave #9804
PHILLIPS, John W. - Pvt, Co. E, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 30 May 1863; buried
at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #9605
PHILLIPS, Joseph G. - 41st Tenn Inf, CSA; migrated to AR before 1900;
buried in Kerr's Field, located west of Hickory Valley in Independence
Co., AR
PHILLIPS, Thomas H.B. - Co. E, 14th West Virginia Inf, USA; born 1841; died 1892;
buried at Eureka Springs Cemetery, Carroll Co., AR
PHILLIPS, W.A. - Pvt, Co. A, 50th Ark Militia, CSA; born 24 Dec 1846; died 29 Dec 1904;
buried at Butlerville Cemetery, Lonoke Co., AR
PICKENS, Cyrus Leonidas - Capt, Co. F, 24th Ark Inf, CSA; Captain Pickens
organized above named company; fought at Elkhorn Tavern, Prairie Grove, Helena, and Jenkins
Ferry; mustered out at Marshall, TX; buried at Pea Ridge, AR; Contact:
Richard Pickens
PICKENS, Robert A. - Co. F, 15th NW Ark Inf, CSA; fought at Elkhorn Tavern,
Iuka, MS, and at the Seige of Vicksburg; paroled after Vicksburg and returned home; later joined
up with Hawthorn's Brigade under Churchill's Division and fought at Marks Mill, Jenkins
Ferry, and other engagements in south Arkansas; Contact:
Richard Pickens
PICKERING, J.E. - Gand's Co., 13th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 26 May 1862
PIDED, James - Chief, 1st Cherokee Mtd Rifles, CSA; captured 08 Mar 1862
at Elkhorn Tavern, AR; died 30 Mar 1862 at Alton, IL
PIERCE, James Jasper - Pvt, 23rd Ark Inf, CSA; fought during
seige of Port Hudson, LA; captured at that place and exchanged 3 days later; buried at
DeGray Cemetery, Clark Co., AR; Contact: Wayne Meddley
PIERCE, Joe - Pvt, Co. I, 1st Ark Inf (Fagan's), CSA; fought at
1st Manassas, Shiloh, Stones River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville,
and others; buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Novice, Lamar Co., TX; Contact: Wayne
PIERCE, Marion - Pvt, Co. I, 1st Ark Inf (Fagan's), CSA;
fought at
1st Manassas, Shiloh, Stones River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville,
and others; buried at Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Novice, Lamar Co., TX; Contact: Wayne
PIERCE, William - Pvt, Co. K, 1st Ark Cav, USA; enlisted 10 Feb 1863 at Washington Co., AR at age 21; born in Newton Co., AR; burial place is unknown; Contact:
Marsha Hopkins
PIERCE, Zacharia Lafayette - Pvt, 1st Ark Inf, CSA;
1st Manassas, Shiloh, Stones River, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Atlanta, Franklin, Nashville,
and others; buried at DeGray Cemetery, Clark Co., AR; Contact: Wayne
PIKE, Albert - General, Army of the Trans-Mississippi, CSA;
born 29 Dec 1809, died 02 Apr 1891; buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Washington, DC; Pike
was also an author, poet, and important figure in Masonic history; there is a statue
honoring him in Washington, DC
PILKINGTON, Joel W. - Co. A, Dobbin's Ark Inf, CSA;
born 27 Jan 1830; died 22 Jan 1894; buried at Liberty Cemetery, White Co., AR
PINKNEY, Allen H. - Co. A, Ark Cav, nationality unknown; died 05 Oct 1904; buried at
Evergreen Cemetery, Lamar Co., TX
PINSON, Nelson W. - Co. D, 4th Tenn Inf, CSA;
died 22 Mar 1901; buried at Hebron Cemetery, Lonoke Co., AR
PITMAN, George W. - Co. C, 1st Ark Inf, USA,
died 27 Apr 1907, born in Guinett Co., GA; enrolled in U.S. Army at Fort
Smith on 1 Oct 1864 at age 27; buried at Shiloh Cemetery, Scott Co., AR
PITMAN, W.T. - Pvt, Co. E, 20th (King's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 05 May 1862
PITTMAN, Edward William - LTC, Co. K, 5th Ark, CSA; entered State service on
04 Jul 1861; served with CS Army from 1861 to 1865; buried at Presbyterian Chuch, Prairie Grove,
Washington Co., AR; Contact: Jay Henry Thompson
PITTMAN, P.P. - Pvt, Co. F, 13th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 08 Mar 1862
PITTMAN, Thomas - Co. C, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 20 May 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PITTS, Alfred - Pvt, Cos. K & G, 1st Ark Cav, USA; enlisted 28 Aug 1862 at Stone Co., MO at age 20; born in Taney Co., MO; burial place is unknown; Contact:
Marsha Hopkins
PITTS, Henry Thomas - Pvt, Co. G ("Lauderdale Invincibles"), 4th Tennessee Inf, CSA; born 05 Dec 1834 at Newberry Co., SC; served under Captains
John Sutherland and William W. Wheeler; enlisted Confederate Army in 1861; fought at Shiloh in the brigade of
Gen. Alexander P. Stewart consisting of 13th Ark Inf, 4th TN Inf, 5th TN Inf, and 33rd TN Inf and suffered loss of finger;
also fought at the battles of Corinth, MS, Perryville, KY, Murfreesboro, TN, Chattanooga, TN, Chickamauga, GA, Dalton, GA,
Resaca, GA, Kennesaw Mountain, GA, and Mill Creek Gap; surrendered 25 Apr 1865 and paroled on 01 May 1865 at Greensboro, NC;
returned home after the war and named his sons after Generals Robert E. Lee and Albert Sidney Johnston; died 18 Dec 1900 in
Macey, AR; buried at Macey Cemetery, Monette, Craighead Co., AR; great-great grandfather of of submitter; Contact:
W.D. Honnoll
PITTS, James F. - Pvt, Co. B, 5th Ark Inf, CSA; brother of T.J. Pitts, buried
at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 02 Mar 1929
PLEASANTS, Henry C. - Captain, Co. G, Bell's Ark Regt., CSA; enlisted at age 19; died in hospital
at Memphis, Shelby Co., TN from wounds received in battle at Helena, AR; the only son of Colonel Joseph C. Pleasants;
served in Fagan's Brigade (2nd); burial place is unknown; Contact: Kennye S. Decker
PLEASANTS, Joseph C. - Colonel, 37th Ark Inf, CSA; died of wounds suffered at the Battle of
Prairie Grove; Colonel of the 37th Ark Inf Regiment also known as Pleasant's Regt., Bell's Regt., 1st Trans-Mississippi,
and 29th Ark Inf; served as an aide to General Hardee until requested transfer back to his home region; requested that he
be taken back to his home on the Arkansas River for burial; burial place unknown;
Contact: Kennye S. Decker
PLUMLEE, Joel - Co. I, 24th MO Inf, nationality unknown; buried at Blackjack
Cemetery, Carroll Co., AR
PLUMLEE, William - Co. G, 46th MO Inf, nationality unknown; born 14 Feb 1826;
died 06 Mar 1917; buried at Blackjack Cemetery, Carroll Co., AR
PLUNKET, Thomas W. - Pvt, Co. I, 1st Ark, CSA; captured 04
Jul 1863 at Helena, AR; died 30 Sep 1863 at Alton, IL of smallpox
PLUNKETT, John William - Sgt, Co. H (Jackson Avengers), 14th Ala Inf, CSA;
born 30 Aug 1841 in Newton, GA; wounded in action 03 May 1863; surrendered by Gen. R.E. Lee on
12 Apr 1865 at Appomattox, VA; died 06 Oct 1931; buried at Evans Cemetery, Sebastian Co., AR
PLUNKETT, Nathan - Co. F, 2nd GA Inf, CSA; born 30 Sep 1817; died 03 Jun 1887;
buried in Evans Cemetery, Sebastian Co., AR
POE, James Morris - Pvt, Co. K, 17th Tenn Inf, CSA;
born 1846; died 1895; buried at Kirk Cemetery, Scott Co., AR
POETT, John - Co. E, 3rd Ark Cav, CSA; buried at Linwood
Cemetery, Columbus, GA
POLK, John - Pvt, Co. D, 26th Ark Inf, CSA; died 25 Oct 1862;
buried in unknown's grave at Camp Nelson Confederate Cemetery, Austin, AR
POLLARD, William T. - 1st Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Oakwood Cemetery, Navarro Co., TX
POOL, John W. - Cpl, Co. G, 7th Illinois Cav, USA;
buried at Macedonia Cemetery, north of Jonesboro, Craighead Co., AR
POOLE, Hardy Garrison "Frost" - Pvt, Co. G, 9th Ark
Inf, CSA; buried at New Hope Baptist Church Cemetary; Contact: Bill Vorhease
POOR, Henry - Co. F, 2nd Missouri Cav, USA; buried at Omaha
Cemetery, Boone Co., AR
POPE, A.J. (or J.J.) - Pvt, Co. K, 19th (Dockery's) Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted
08 Mar 1862 at Columbia Co., AR; died abt 20 May 1862; buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis,
Shelby Co., TN
POPE, Isaac S. - Pvt, Co. A, McGeeHee's Ark, CSA; captured 01 Nov
1864 at Franklin Co., MO; died 17 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of pneumonia
POPE, Riley - Co. D, 12th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 25 Mar 1862
PORTER, E.V. - Pvt, Co. E, 20th (King's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 15 May 1862
PORTER, J. - Hart's Ark Light Art, CSA; died 31 Jan 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PORTER, Robert - Co. B, 1st Ark, CSA; buried at Confederate Cemetery,
Chattanooga, TN
PORTER, Uriah - Pvt, Co. G, 48th Ark Inf, CSA; captured 24 Oct 1864
at Mound City, KS; died 08 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of rubela
POSEY, B. M. - 22nd South Carolina Inf, CSA; buried at
Brushy Creek Cemetery, Gurdon, AR
POSTEN, William - Ark Soldier, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., MO on 23 Jun 1861
POTTER, Pleasant B. - Pvt, Co. I, 23rd (Adams') Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted 15 Mar 1862
at Jonesboro, Craighead, AR; died of measles; buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis,
Shelby Co., TN on 18 May 1862
POTTER, Silas M. - 7th Alabama Cav, CSA; born 1842; died 1921;
buried at Clark's Chapel, Greene Co., AR
POTTS, John L. - Pvt, Co. C, 1st Ark, CSA; captured 03 Jul 1864
at Helena, AR; died 28 Sep 1863 at Alton, IL of smallpox
POWELL, Benjamin - Pvt, Co. C, 6th Ark Cav (Monroe's), CSA; born
11 Jul 1823; died 01 Mar 1886; buried at Mt. Nebo Cemetery, Patmos, AR; Contact: Sheila Alexander
POWELL, W.B. - Pvt, Co. C, 4th Ark, CSA; captured 08 Mar 1862
at Pea Ridge, AR; died 07 Apr 1862 at Alton, IL
POWERS, William - CSA; born 1825; died 1904; buried at Oak Grove
Cemetery, Conway, Faulkner Co., AR
POWELL, William S. - Pvt, Co. I, 10th Ark Cav, CSA; died 16 Mar 1862;
buried at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #4585
PRATER, Samuel - Cpl, Co. I, 1st Ark Cav, USA; born 10 Sep 1826; died
17 May 1915; buried at Ray Spring Cemetery, Dade Co., MO
PRATT, Jesse Richardson - Capt, 15th Mo Cav, CSA; survived
the war and was surrendered at Jacksonport, AR on 10 May 1865; died in 1888; buried
in Randolph Co., AR at Mudd Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Warm Springs, Randolph
Co., AR; info from Ron Warren and Gena Davis
PRATT, N.E. - Co. D, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 19 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PRATT, Stephen - Co. B, McRae's Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 28 Jun 1862
PRATT, W.F. - Co. D, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 13 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PRESLEY(PRESLAR, PRESSLER), Caswell - Co. B, 43rd NC Inf, CSA;
born in 1847 in Union Co., NC; enlisted at the age of 16 on 08 Jun 1863 at the Culpepper
Court House, Va; served in the Army of Northern Virginia commanded by Gen. Robert E.
Lee; was with his unit during the Battle of Gettysburg and his unit
suffered heavy loss of life at Seminary Ridge; he was present or accounted
for until wounded in both thighs near Bethesda Church, VA on 30 May 1864;
returned to duty Nov-Dec 1864; present or accounted for until captured
near Petersburg Va. on 25 Mar 1865; confined at Point Lookout,
Maryland until released on 14 May 1865 after taking the oath of allegiance;
buried at Holly Springs Cemetery just outside Harrisburg, Poinsett Co., AR
PRESTON, Charles W. - Pvt, Co. B, Gauss's Ark, CSA; captured
04 Jul 1863 at Helena, AR; died 27 Feb 1864 at Alton, IL of olitis and erysipilas
PRICE, Asa Brooks - Pvt, Co. M, 2nd Ark Cav, USA; enlisted 03 Dec 1863 at Dardanelle,
AR at age 18; born 26 May 1846; died
13 Aug 1910; buried at Lackey Cemetery, Hitchita, Tulsa Co., OK
PRICE, Christopher C. - Pvt, Co. H, King's Regt Ark Inf, CSA;
enlisted at Dover, AR on 20 Jun 1862 with his two brothers Reuban and James; after his
brother was murdered by Confederate sympathizers he joined 3rd Ark Cav, USA as a
Commissary Sergeant; buried at Price
Family Cemetery, Pope Co., AR; Contact: Janis Price Lindemann
PRICE, Reuban C. - Pvt, Co. C, King's Regt Ark Inf, CSA;
born in Jackson Co., AL; enlisted at Dover, Pope Co., AR on 20 Jun 1862; medical discharge
20 Nov 1862; taken from family and murdered by renegades near Clarksville, Johnson Co., AR
approximately one year after discharge; survived by wife and two small sons; Contact: Janis Price Lindemann
PRICE, Robert - Pvt, 3rd Ark Cav, USA;
joined Union Army on 21 Nov 1864 at age of seventeen for a period of 3 years soon after
his brother killed by Confederate sympathizers; buried at Price Family Cemetery, Pope Co., AR;
Contact: Janis Price Lindemann
PRICE, William - Pvt, Co. H, 26th Ark Inf, CSA; died 21 Oct 1862; buried
in unknown's grave at Camp Nelson Confederate Cemetery, Austin, AR
PRICHELL, John - Pvt, Co. F, 15th Ark, CSA; died 16 Apr 1862; buried
at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #4980
PRICKETT, J. - Co. K, 9th Ark Inf, CSA; died 22 Jul
1863 at Fort Delaware as a Prisoner of War; buried at Finn's Point National Cemetery
PRIEST, John Robert - Pvt, Co. F, 12th Missouri Inf, CSA;
also Co. F, 3rd Missouri Inf, CSA; buried at grave 9846, Sec 88, CSA Section,
Jefferson Barracks, MO
PRIEST, John Wesley - Co. E, Biffle's Tenn Cav, CSA;
buried at Woodmen of the World Cemetery, East Prairie, MO
PRINCE, Halcolm I. - Sander's Company of Forrest's
Scouts, CSA; buried at Oak Grove Cemetery, Conway, Faulkner Co., AR
PRINCE, Jacob - Pvt, Co. I, 11th Ark Inf, CSA;
captured at Island #10 on 08 Apr 1862; sent to Camp Butler, Springfield,
IL as a Prisoner of War; transferred to Vicksburg, MS for prisoner exchange on
23 Sep 1862; born 1836 in Jackson Co., AL; died Aug 1900; buried at Bismarck Cemetery,
Hot Springs Co., AR
PRINCE, James - Co. C, 13th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 16 Oct 1861
PRINCE, John - Co. G, Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 19 Nov 1861
PRINCE, Joseph - Pvt, Co. C, 11th Ark Inf, CSA;
enlisted 01 Nov 1861; captured at Island #10 on 08 Apr 1862; sent to Camp
Butler, Springfield IL as a Prisoner of War; transferred to Vicksburg, MS for
prisoner exchange on 23 Sep 1862; born 1843 in Jackson Co. AL; later disappeared
and is presumed KIA; death/burial date and place remain unknown
PRINCE, Peter - Pvt, Co. I, Cocke's Ark Inf, CSA;
enlisted June 20, 1862, Rockport, AR; transferred to Co. H, 38th Ark Inf, CSA on
04 Aug 1862; suffered crippling gunshot wound in hip during battle; born 1833 in
Jackson Co., AL; died 11 Sep 1883; buried at Howerton Family Cemetery, Kirby, Pike
Co. AR
PRINCE, W.T. - Co. K, 12th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Mt.
Moriah Cemetery, Nevada Co., AR
PRINCE, William - Pvt, Co. I, Cocke's Ark Inf, CSA; later
transferred to Co. K, 38th Ark Inf, CSA; born 1831 in Indiana; died 22 Jun 1922;
buried at Prairie Bayou Cemetery, DeRoche, AR
PRUET, Charles D. - Co. D, 25th Ark Cav, CSA; brother of Robert Pruet; died 20 Aug 1887 at
age 59 years, 10 months, 9 days; buried at Pruet's Chapel Cemetery,
Paragould, Greene Co., AR
PRUET, Robert W. - Co. D, 25th Ark Cav, CSA;
born 21 Oct 1825, died 23 Feb 1909
PRUETT Willis S. - Co. D; 25th Ark Cav, CSA;
brother of Charles Pruet; provided first block of land for founding of Paragould, AR; born 27 Sep 1829, died 01 Mar 1907;
buried at Pruet's Chapel Cemetery, Paragould, Greene Co., AR
PRUITT, William O. - Pvt, 2nd Ark Inf, USA; also 14th Ark Inf, CSA;
buried at Karpark Cemetery, Newton Co., Arkansas; his son John served in these same units; Contact:
Linda Pruitt
PRUSH, Amos - Co. A, 2nd Ark Inf, CSA; died 18 Jan 1864 at Fort Delaware
as a Prisoner of War; buried at Finn's Point National Cemetery
PRYOR, W.J. - Co. C, 12th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis,
Shelby Co., TN on 24 Oct 1861
PUGH, David M. - Pvt, Witt's Ark, CSA; captured 08 Oct 1864 at Jefferson
Co., MO; died 22 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of pneumonia
PURCILL, L.A. - Pvt, Co. E, Crandall's Ark, CSA; captured 27 Sep 1864
at Pilots Knob, MO; died 18 Jan 1865 at Alton, IL from a gunshot wound
PURIFOY, T. J. - Co. B, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 29 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
PURSEL, Harrison - Cpl, Co. B, 15th Ark, CSA; died 23 Mar 1862; buried
at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #9878
PYLAND, S.J. - Pvt, Co. C, Davies Ark Batt'n, CSA; buried at Jefferson
Barracks, MO; grave #4639
PYLE, William Rowen - Pvt, Co. G, 6th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Bethlehem Cemetery, Columbia Co., AR;
Contact: Martin Braswell