Arkansas Civil War Soldiers
and Sailors
As foes they fought, as friends they sleep

during war
Wounded during
Prisoner of
Paulsey - Pvt, Co. I, 18th Ark Inf, CSA; operated the military ferry across
the Ouachita River at Camden; he, and later his widow, received military
pension from State of Arkansas; buried at Salem Graveyard, near Smackover,
Union Co., AR; Contact: Ray Thompson
LACY, John McClellan - Surgeon, 3rd Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Santa Ana Cemetery, Santa Ana, CA
LACKEY, William - Pvt, Co. A, 17th (LeMoyne's) Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted
07 Oct 1861 at Lewisburg, AR; buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on
06 May 1862
LACKMAN, Erasmus D. - Co. H, 50th Indiana Inf, USA; died
11 Apr 1864; buried at Heldebrand Family Cemetery, Nevada Co., AR
LADD, Asa - Pvt, 46th Ark Cav (Crabtree's), CSA; buried at Jefferson Barracks
Cemetery, MO
LADRONE, James W. - Co. D, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 19 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
LAIRD, Miles F. - Co. D, 19th (Dockery's) Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted
01 Mar 1862 at Rock Port, AR; died 30 May 1862; buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis,
Shelby Co., TN
LAMB, Samuel F. - Pvt, Co. D (Peir's), 25th (Turnbull's) Ark inf, CSA;
buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 15 May 1862
W.C. - Pvt, Co. D, 15th Northwest Ark Inf, CSA; born 1841; died 1909; buried
at Oak Grove Cemetery, Yellville, AR
William - Pvt, Co. K, 9th SC Inf, CSA; also Co. F, Palmetto SC Sharpshooters,
CSA; wounded during Seven Days Battles (Gaine's Mill) outside Richmond;
served entire war, layed down arms on 09 Apr 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse,
VA by order of Gen. Lee; buried at Smith Cemetery, Grant Co., AR; Contact:
Doyle Taylor
Charles - Co. D, 5th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Clarks Chapel, Greene Co.,
LANDFAIR, W.H. - Pvt, Co. E, 26th Ark Inf, CSA; thought
to have died 26 Nov 1862; probably buried in unknown's grave at Camp Nelson
Confederate Cemetery, Austin, AR
LANDRETH, C.C. - Pvt, Co. B, 7th Ark Inf, CSA; died before
31 Dec 1861
LANDRETH, T.J. - Co. C, 11th Ark Inf, CSA; died 23 Jul 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
David S. - Pvt, Co. E, 5th NC State Troops, CSA; wounded at Chancellorsville
and taken prisoner to Maryland; buried at Pleasant Grove Cemetery, Wideman,
Izard Co., AR; Contact: Paul Lane 
LANE, J.J. - unassigned Arkansas soldier, CSA; captured 06 Oct 1864 at
Arkansas Co., AR; died 26 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of pneumonia
LANE, John H. - Pvt, Co. A, 1st Ark, CSA; captured 12 Dec 1863 at
the Choctaw Nation, Indian Territory; died 31 Jul 1864 at Alton, IL of typhoid/malaria
Champ - Co. C, 19th AL Inf, CSA; buried at McDaniel Cemetery, near Jonesboro,
Craighead Co., AR
LANGLEY, Isom P. - Co. G (George T. Epperson's Co.), 4th Ark Cav (Fishback's), USA; enrolled
19 Nov 1863 at Benton, AR; honorably discharged on 28 Mar 1864 at Dardanelle, AR; see entry for
Samuel S. Langley who was his brother and served in Confederate Army; Contact: Nancy Domgaard
LANGLEY, Samuel S. - Lt, Co. F, Bell's Ark Inf, CSA; captured 04 Jul 1863 at the
Battle of Helena; sent as Prisoner of War to Military Prison at Johnson's Island, OH on 06 Aug 1863;
transferred to New Orleans, LA on 9 Jan 1865; see entry for Isom P. Langley who was his brother and
served in Union Army; Contact: Nancy Domgaard
LANGSTON, N. - Pvt, Co. A, Dobbin's Ark Cav, CSA; died 14 Apr 1864; buried
at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #9721
Francis M. - 2LT, Co. D, Thomas Legion of NC Troops, CSA; also Co. I, 1st
TN Cav (Carter's), CSA; also Co. I, 37th TN Inf, CSA; buried at Picken's
Cemetery, Green Forest, Carroll Co., AR; Contact: Dan
LAPRONE, James W. - see LADRONE, James W.
LARKINS, William H. - Co. F, 27th MO Inf, nationality unknown; buried at Denver Cemetery,
Carroll Co., AR
LARREMORE, Joseph - Co. L, 15th MO Cav, USA; buried at Antioch Cemetery,
Washington Co., AR
LASATER, W.M. - Civil War Veteran, unknown nationality; buried at Ellsworth Cemetery, Logan Co., AR
LASTER, G.L. - Co. I, 11th/17th Ark Inf, CSA; born in Georgia; died at
Rock Island Military Prison, Rock Island, IL; buried at Rock Island Confederate Cemetery in grave #1483; Contact: Great-great grandson

LATTA, J.T. - Sgt, Co. C, 8th Ark (Morgan's), CSA; captured 17 Oct
1864 at Pilot Knob, MO; died 23 Nov 1863 at Alton, IL of variola
LAUGHAM, J.H. - Co. E, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 11 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
LAVEN, John H. - Pvt, Co. H, 36th Ark Inf (Glenn's), CSA; captured
04 Jul 1863 at Helena, AR; died 07 Aug 1863 at Alton, IL of smallpox
LAW, Pewton M. - Texas, CSA; buried in Arkansas, died 16 Aug 1862
A.W. - CSA; born 22 Jul 1845; died 22 Dec 1918; buried at Oak Grove Cemetery,
Yellville, AR
Benjamin Fillmore - Co. I, 12th MO Cav, CSA; buried at Opposition Cemetery,
Lawrence Co. AR
LAWRENCE, R.F. - Co. D, 11th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
LAWRENCE, R.F. - Co. C, 11th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
William L. - Pvt, Co. L, 3rd KY Cav, CSA; first enlisted in Co. E, 12th
Tenn Inf, CSA; after the battle of Shiloh was transferred to the 3rd KY;
captured near Athens, AL on 25 Sep 1864; escaped while enroute to Camp
Chase Prison; rejoined his unit and fought until the end of the war; died
in 1904 at the age of 60; buried at Linwood Cemetery, Paragould, Greene
Co., AR; Contact: Dee Burr
LAX, Joel T. - Co. G, 1st (Colquitt's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 23 Mar 1862
LAY, John
Wesley, Jr. - Pvt, Co. F, 4th Ark Militia; also Co. I, 3rd Ark Cav, USA;
served with militia 26 Nov-20 Dec 1861 from Campbell Township, Searcy Co.,
AR; enlisted in US Army on 17 Dec 1863 in Pope Co., AR; discharged at Lewisburg,
AR; son of John Wesley Lay Sr. and Mary Stanfield; born 12 Apr 1840 in
Wayne Co., TN; applied for pension in 1887; widow (2nd wife Rachel Kimbrell)
applied for pension in 1916; died 17 Dec 1913 at Calexico, Imperial Co.,
CA; buried at Evergreen Cemetery, El Centro, Imperial Co., CA; married
ca. 1862 to Martha Cotton, daughter of Samuel Bird Cotton and Arminta "Alimentie"
Moore; father of 9 children, including Arthur Garfield (b. 20 Dec 1880,
died 23 Mar 1863 at Highland, San Bernadino Co., CA) who was married to
Nettie Jane Kimbrell (b. 1869, Marshall, Searcy Co., AR) on 20 Dec 1908
in Marshall, Searcy Co., AR (also descendant of CW veterans); Contact:
Kathy Gregory
Edward N. - Co. G, 36th GA Inf, CSA; buried at Pine Hill Cemetery, south
of Jonesboro, Craighead, AR
Isaac J. - Co. E, 6th TN Cavalry, USA; born 09 Aug 1844; died 02
Aug 1935; buried at Oak Grove Cemetery, Conway, Faulkner, AR
LEDBETTER, L.G.J. - 1st Ark Inf, USA;
buried at Auman Cemetery, Boone Co., AR
George Sylvester - Sgt, Co. F, 22nd Ark Inf, CSA; Fagan's Brigade,
Hawthorn's Division; organized in Feb or Mar 1862; son of John W. Lee;
fought at the Battle of Pea Ridge (07-08 Mar 1862), Fort Pillow (Apr-Jun
1862), Corinth Campaign (Apr-Jun 1862); the 35th Ark Inf took over the
22nd by July 1862. With this unit he also saw battles at Helena (04 Jul
1863), Little Rock (10 Sep 1863); Red River Campaign (Mar-May 1864), and
Jenkins' Ferry (30 Apr 1864); buried at Ruddick Cemetery, outside of Garfield,
Benton Co., AR; Contact: Janice Mauldin
LEE, J.W. - Co. H, 18th Ark Inf, CSA; died 12 Jul 1862; buried at
Canton Confederate Cemetery, Canton, MS
LEE, Jessee - Co. E, Miller's Ark Inf Batt'n, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 05 May 1862
LEE, John D. - Pvt, Co. B, 17th Ark Inf, CSA; captured 28 Dec 1864
at Egypt Station, MS; died 03 Jan 1865 at Alton, IL of pneumonia
LEE, John H. - Pvt, Co. E, 26th Ark Inf, CSA; died 08 Oct 1862;
buried in unknown's grave at Camp Nelson Confederate Cemetery, Austin, AR
LEE, Marcus
L. - Co. C, 16th Ark Inf, CSA; died 10 Jul 1862; buried at Quitman, MS
Confederate Memorial Cemetery
LEE, William J. - Pvt, Fagan's Ark Inf, CSA; died 05 Jan 1865; buried
at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #4688
LEGG, A.S. - Co. A, 15th Ark Inf, CSA; died 19 Oct 1862; buried at
Canton Confederate Cemetery, Canton, MS
LEGGETT, William T. - Co. D, 10th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 03 Oct 1861
LEIGH, William P. - Co. B, 15th Ark, CSA; died 25 Mar 1862; buried
at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #9877
LEISTER, David R. - Civil War Veteran, unknown nationality; born 06 Jun 1840; died 12 Jun 1901;
buried at Ellsworth Cemetery, Logan Co., AR
Francis Marion - Co. C, 7th Ark Inf, CSA
Adolphus G. - Co. A, 4th Ark Inf, USA; born 15 Apr 1849; died 24 Oct 1930;
enlisted in U.S. Army on 4 Mar 1864 and served until 8 Aug
1865; also served in Spanish-American War in Co. I of the 2nd Ark Inf;
buried in Birdsview Cemetery, Scott Co., AR
LEN, S.C. - Co. H, 9th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 10 Nov 1861
LENDERMAN, H.O. - CSA; born 20 Dec 1830; died 14 Dec 1908;
buried at Hebron Cemetery, Lonoke Co., AR
LENDWELL, William D. - Pvt, Co. H, 12th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 11 May 1862
LEONARD, J.H. - Pvt, Wilson's Co., Dobbin's Ark, CSA; captured
27 Oct 1864 at Cotton Plant, AR; died 19 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of pneumonia
M.L. - Co. F, 16th Ark Inf, CSA; died 04 Jul 1862; buried at Quitman, MS
Confederate Memorial Cemetery
William Samuel - Co G, 8th Ken Mtd Inf, CSA; buried at Friendship Cemetery,
Paragould, Greene Co., AR
LEWIS, J.G. - Pvt, Co. D, McGee's Ark, CSA; died 26 Nov 1864; buried
at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #4633
LEWIS, Joel - Pvt, Co. C, 5th Ark Inf, CSA; captured 02 Aug 1864
at Osceola, AR; died 23 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of typhoid/malaria
LEWIS, William H. - Pvt, Co. E, Gordon's Ark, CSA; captured 16 Oct
1864 at Lafayette Co., MO; died 23 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL
LIGHTFOOT, W.G. - Pvt, Co. E, 37th Ark Inf, CSA; enlisted 08
May 1862 at Princeton, AR at age 21; died 08 Jul 1862 in hospital at Little Rock,
Pulaski Co., AR
Louis C.- CSA; born 10 May 1848; died 04 Feb 1893; buried at Oak Grove
Cemetery, Conway, AR
LINDER, L.M. - Pvt, Co. K, 36th Ark Inf, CSA; died 02 Sep 1862 at Camp Hope, AR at the
age of 26; buried at Camp Nelson Confederate Cemetery, Austin, AR or the nearby hills
LINDSAY, John H. - Pvt, Co. H, 9th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 23 Nov 1861
Caleb - Pvt, 2nd Batt'n Ark Inf, CSA; also Co. I, 3rd Trans-Mississippi
Inf, CSA; served 1 year enlistment and discharged to return to sick wife;
after wife's death 3 months later married widowed neighbor with 1 child;
Caleb had 4 children at the time; buried at private family cemetery, Grapevine,
Grant Co., AR; Contact: Offie Lites
LITTLE, Andrew Jackson - Co. F, 1st Ark Mtd Rifles, CSA;
born 01 Jun 1840; died 15 Oct 1905; buried at Rome, GA
LITTLEFIELD, Elijah - Co. B, 23rd Ark Inf, CSA; died 06 Jun 1862;
buried at Canton Confederate Cemetery, Canton, MS
LITTLEJOHN, Amos W. - Co. H, 71st Indiana Inf, USA;
buried at Bellefonte Cemetery, Boone Co., AR
William D. - Pvt, Co. I, 34th Ark Inf, CSA; blacksmith by trade; died Oct
1864 while in service at Camden, AR at age 27; buried at Camden, AR
LOCKE, John F. - Pvt, Co. E, 4th Ark Inf, CSA; resident of St. Francis Co., AR;
fought at Battle of Pea Ridge; died 10 Feb 1867; burial place unknown
LOCKE, Thomas T. - Pvt, CSA; served under a Captain Cauley for a short time; buried at
Mound Cemetery, near Cotton Plant, AR
LOCKWELL, Thomas - 15th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
LODLE, Sam - Co. F, 1st Ark Cav, nationality unknown; buried at Gaskins Cemetery,
Carroll Co., AR
LOFTIN, William - Pvt, Co. B (McLender's), 18th (Carroll's) Ark Inf, CSA;
buried at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 14 May 1862
Thomas - SGT, Co. C, 53rd Ind Inf, USA; buried at Mangrum Cemetery, Caraway,
Sylvanus - Lt., 33rd Ark Inf, CSA; died 16 Apr 1862 Fort Delaware as a
Prisoner of War; buried at Finn's Point National Cemetery

LONG, Adam L. - 1SGT, Co. A, 9th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 19 Sep 1861
LONG, Harry - Civil War; died circa 1862;
buried at Walnut Grove Cemetery, Scott Co., AR
LONG, Henry - Co. M, 2nd Mo Light Art'y, nationality unknown; buried at Hale Cemetery, Carroll Co., AR
Henry - Co. K, 37th Ark Inf, CSA; died 12 Feb 1865 at Fort Delaware as
a Prisoner of War; buried at Finn's Point National Cemetery

LONG, Robert Thomas - Pvt, Co. A, 32nd Ark Inf, CSA; place of residence at Clinton, Van Buren Co., AR; fair complection, dark hair, gray eyes, height 5'8", age 23; served frp, 1861 through 28 May 1864; captured at Pleasant Hill, 09 Apr 1864; delivered by Maj. Gen. Banks (USA) to Maj. Gen. Taylor (CSA) on 20 Apr 1864 at Blair's Landing, LA; document after capture lists him in Co. A, 4th Ark Inf, CSA; Arkansas Veterans Pension application #12834, application filed in Stone Co., AR; Contact:
Roy Richard Long
LOOMIS, J.J. - Co. F, 11th Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 21 Mar 1862
LOOPER, Riley - Pvt, Co. D, 14th Ark (Power's), CSA; died 06 May 1864;
buried at Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #4579
LOUD, Courtney - Walker's Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Elmwood Cemetery,
Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 19 May 1862
LOUDERMILK, Garner N. - Capt, Co. H, Walker's Battalion, Thomas's Legion, NC Inf, CSA;
born 1818, Knox Co., TN; mustered into Confederate service 19 Jul 1862; promoted from 2LT to CPT 05 Mar 1863;
died 03 Jun 1883, AR; buried at Mt. Zion Cemetery, Sebastian Co., AR
William Murphy - Pvt, NC Cav, CSA; died 18 Sep 1952; Pvt Loudermilk was
the the oldest living veteran of the Civil War in Arkansas; buried at Keller's
Chapel Cemetery, Jonesboro, AR
LOVE, J.H. - Co. I, 15th Ark Inf, CSA; died 09 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
LOVE, Jeremiah M., "Jerry" - Pvt, Co. G (Jacksonville Guards), 1st Ark Inf, CSA;
was wounded at least once; captured near Atlanta and held as a Prisoner of War at Camp Chase, OH;
was released during prisoner exchange after captivity of 6 months; probably buried near
Newport, Jackson Co., AR; Contact: L.B. Walker

Joseph C. - Co. E, 9th Ark Inf, CSA; died 09 Oct 1863 at Fort Delaware
as a Prisoner of War; buried at Philadelphia National Cemetery; previously
interred at Glenwood Pa. Cemetery

LOVE, Nathan - Pvt, Co. C, 18th (Carroll's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried at
Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 12 May 1862
John Wesley - Pvt, Owen's Battery Light Art'y, CSA; buried at Sixteenth
Section Cemetery, Drew Co., AR; Contact: Melissa
David Monroe - Pvt, Co. A, 12th Ark Inf, CSA; born 26 Dec 1844; died 07
Dec 1903; buried at Jimmerson Cemetery, Navarro Co., TX
LOWERY, J.R. - Civil War Veteran, unknown nationality; born 1840; died 1877; buried
at Elizabeth Hall Cemetery, Carroll Co., AR
LOWRY, A.C. - Co. C, ?? Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Harmony
Cemetery, Nevada Co., AR
LOYD, Wiley H. - Pvt, Co. D, 25th (Turnbull's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried
at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 05 May 1862
LUCIE, B. - Co. A, 19th Ark Inf, CSA; died 10 Mar 1862; buried at Camp Butler, Springfield, IL
Benjamin - Co. H, 38th Ark Inf, CSA; died in Izard County, AR on 05 Mar
Richard D. - LT, Co. A, 3rd Ark Cav, USA; buried at Oak Grove Cemetery,
Conway, Faulkner Co., AR
LUMAN, John N. - Co. H, 1st Ark Inf, nationality unknown; buried at Old
Moral Cemetery, Pottawattamie Co., OK
LUNA, John T. - Co. M, 1st Ark Cav, USA; born 04 Nov 1842; died
16 Jun 1926; buried at Sheppard Cemetery, Ozark Co., MO
J.B. - Co. D, 3rd Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Confederate Cemetery, Lynchburg,
LUTHER, Calvin - Pvt, Co. G, 31st (McCray's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried
at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 02 May 1862
LUTHER, Jackson - Pvt, Co. G, 31st (McCray's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried
at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 21 May 1862
LYNCH, Jacob A. - Co. B, 4th Ark Inf, CSA; died 26 Jun 1863;
buried at Canton Confederate Cemetery, Canton, MS
James J. - Sgt, Co. I, 23rd Ark Inf, CSA; buried at Pinehill Cemetery,
South of Jonesboro, AR
LYNCH, R. - Co. H (Parrish's), 18th (Carroll's) Ark Inf, CSA; buried
at Elmwood Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 21 Apr 1862
LYNCH, William - Pvt, 45th Ark Cav, CSA; died 04 Mar 1865; buried at
Jefferson Barracks, MO; grave #4730
LYNN, J.C. - Pvt, Co. H, 1st Ark (Monroe's), CSA; captured 27 Sep
1864 at Pilot's Knob, MO; died 26 Dec 1864 at Alton, IL of a gunshot wound
LYNN, Thomas - Pvt, Co. A, 2nd Ark Mtd Rifles, CSA; buried at Elmwood
Cemetery, Memphis, Shelby Co., TN on 26 May 1862
J. M. - Co. I, 56th NC Inf, CSA; born 05 Jan, 1847; died 05 Jun 1931; buried
at Linwood Cemetery, Paragould, Greene Co., AR
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G. Gerdes, Jonesboro, Arkansas. All commercial rights reserved. The above
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